Privacy Policy

Welcome to Puja Shoppe!

Puja Shoppe is an online e-commerce gateway. We do offer various religious & spiritual services for all your needs. Our vision & mission is to provide a hassle-free way for our members to shop online. Without any doubt, we respect & keen to protect the privacy of our registered users.

Once you are registered in our website, you have to create your own unique profile with your Name, Email-id, Phone/Mobile number, Address, along with some basic information & our predetermined form. If there is no cash on delivery option available, and you have to pay online, we will collect your Debit Card/ Credit Card details for the payment transaction. Our payment & transaction procedure is 100% secure and safe. As we want to provide more personalized services to our customers, we use the collected information for processing your orders, and we can assure you that, we will never disclose your private information to anybody. Every details & information we gather cannot be used by the public to identify and recognize a certain individual.

Service Providers:

Just for information, we use third parties to provide logistics and payment processing on our website. Though, these third parties are completely forbidden from using any member’s personal information & credit card/ debit card details for any purpose. As it is necessary for the third party provider to endow with the service, when you put an order, or make a payment transaction, then only we will disclose your shipping address to the logistics provider and credit card number with the payment gateway provider.  

Without the concerned person’s permission, we do not share/trade anybody’s personal details, except to the financial organization that is authorized to process your credit or debit card payment transactions.


We do reserve the right to disclose your personal specific information as required by law. uses cookies to provide the services, and for other website related services.

Please note that cookies are used only to recollect information sent to your computer from We absolutely don’t link the information we store in cookies, and we cannot access any information not sent by us or from our website.

Please review frequently and keep yourself updated with our privacy guidelines, because we reserve the right to modify & change this privacy policy guideline at any time. If we make relevant changes to this policy, we will notify you by email, message or on our homepage.